Nuke the REG
Live Poker is Real Poker.Online Poker is for Amateurs.Strategy, Solvers and Simulations(SSS) are the crutches of the incompetent. They are just Heuristics for us in the real world.Other major forces are at play in Live Poker games. The more you lack them, the more you try to compensate with SSS. You essentially plateau. This is proved in Live Games where with VPIP increases, SSS goes out of the window.SSS is NOT completely unimportant but its the 8th Sigil in a total of 10.The more you live in sync with the major forces, easier it is to Nuke the REG, conditional to if you can Nuke the FISH.All the above is ONLY valid for the Nosebleeds where its all about Pressure, Stress Tolerance and filtering Signal from Noise.In Short, Higher Men will nuke lower Men. Completely in sync with nature. Also Higher form of life has to blend in all the other subsets of life. You CANNOT be an Erudite in one domain and a total dork in the other.I am willing to Train you for at-least a year. No shortcuts. Price is going to be more than a Million Dollars.Only Email me if you truly understand and relate to what I am saying and Only if you play the Nosebleeds(or Tournaments with buyins >$100K).Email: [email protected]Expect a reply within 48 hrs. If you don't get a reply within 48 hrs, it was probably NOT worth replying.Language is NO barrier. I can learn your language, you can learn a bit of English and we can meet Midway.